Sunday, May 27, 2012

mini- Makeover

  Ok so I've been a little MIA. If you are a mom and have children that are in school then you pretty much know the madness that ensues the last 2 weeks of school. I say madness because between class parties, awards programs, new grade orientation, end of the year sports stuff, etc.... I believe all moms lose their minds a little bit. It's like hanging onto a roller coaster for dear life waiting for it to end so you can breathe!! In all the madness I was able to take time to work on a lil' project.

My friend Erin is one cutie pa-tootie.  She is one who I have longed to get a hold of & update her style. So when she started an internship for her master's program & asked if I could help pick out some new threads for a professional look I was beyond excited!!! Now I use the word makeover loosely (hence the word mini in front of it) just because we are taking baby steps. I am a get-r-done kind of girl and I know I could overwhelm someone who might take things a little slower. So we have started with basics IE:  professional wardrobe, and maybe soon we can post  with another mini-makeover part 2!!

I had my work cut out for me. Her style is a little sporty and casual. That doesn't translate into "professional" very well at all. So we started at the outlet mall. We ended up finding some good things for her to incorporate into a "professional" or "casual" look. We started with a basic pant that was light gray in color. Then we found some cute tops that would go well with the pants so she could mix & match.

 We only took care of the wardrobe aspect on this trip. As to not overwhelm, Erin, we agreed that accessories could come later, along with a new stylish cut. I mean the ponytail is her signature look but I think a nice "Lob" would compliment her face well!~ Like I said baby steps, baby steps!!!

 Now we did not shop at the thriftstores becuase it can be hit or miss and she needed some clothes ASAP. Though we did go straight to the clerance racks and shop from there. Everything she got was on sale, she did not pay full price! Take a look at the semi-final product below. It is still a work in progress but I will be back with some updates to this mini-makeover!!

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