Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guest Blogger~Thrifty finds

So as some of you may remember i am doing the "Thriftygirlchallenge" with my 2 sisters. My older sister has found some pretty good things lately and she is going to share some of them with you! I can honestly say after reading this post I had some MAJOR thrifting envy, so it's ok if you do too!!

Hi! My name is Marie, and I am Renee's big sister. I live in Connecticut, and wanted to provide some finds that I found up here in New England. One thing I will say about Connecticut, is we have amazing thrift stores and consignment shops. I have scored some amazing finds in the past. Here are some of the best that I found on my last trip.

One thing I love to find at thrift store is great workout clothes. These are items that I want, but hate paying the high price for them in the store. Up here, one of my favorite thrift stores is called Savers. I love this place, and I also love that they sponsor Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Hartford. I love that my money and donations go to help something local. The first outfit is a mint green addidas top, that I was able to pair with a brown pair of yoga pants. The total cost for the outfit was 7 dollars! The second outfit is another addidas shirt that I was able to pair with some BCBG pants, this outfit also cost 7 dollars. So I was able to but two different exercise outfits for what one shirt would cost me on the clearance rack!!

I loved the detail on this grey cardigan that I also scored at Savers for 5 dollars. I think it will look great with  a black pair of pants for work, or a pair of jeans for a more casual look.

My favorite find of the day came from a local Goodwill store. I have been eyeing a hoodie and sweatpants from Victoria Secret. I have been wanting them for a while, and almost ordered them online since they are on clearance, however I stood to my commitment not to buy anything new for one year. Plus I really did not want to spend $ 50 dollars on the set. Well, while browsing the Goodwill, I came across these great sweatpants and hoodie. Now they don't match, but I'm fine with that. I ended up paying $15 for both pieces which is more than I usually pay, but I was glad and excited to do it!

What have you found at your favorite thrift stores?

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